Maven By Example Pdf

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Maven: By Example. Contribute to sonatype/maven-example-en development by creating an account on GitHub. Jsp Servlet Tutorial Using Eclipse Pdf CLICK HEREexample Servlets will be used to create a sample servlet in Run the servlet in Eclipse on Tomcat and view the results. Export a WAR from determine which Servlet (or JSP page) is. Maven EJB3 and JPA Example. This article (updated for Eclipse Luna). Maven by Example.pdf 版权投诉 DownLoad Book Push Kindle. ZIP password Code: 书名: Maven by Example. 作者: Tim O’Brien/Jason van Zyl/Brian Fox/John Casey/Juven Xu/Thomas Locher. 副书名: An Introduction to Apache Maven. 出版日期: August, 2010. Jenkins Continuous Build System. Executive summary! Ant targets, and Maven targets! Artifact archival! Publish JUnit test results and Javadocs! Email notifications! As stated earlier, plugins expand the functionality even. Jenkins by example – Project Status! Project status pages provide more details about a given. In our example, we will use our iTextHelloWorld.pdf file generated previously. Once we load the file using PdfReader, we need to create a PdfStamper which is used to apply additional content to file like metadata. Full examples can be found in the Maven based project over on GitHub.

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a PDF view using Spring MVC and itext. Out of the box spring only supports the older com.lowagie:itext library. The newest com.itextpdf:itext library is not supported by default. But there is a work around, which we’ll show you in the following example.


Maven project structure and contents are declared in an xml file, pom.xml, referred as Project Object Model (POM), which is the fundamental unit of the entire Maven system. In later chapters, we will explain POM in detail. Convention over Configuration Maven uses Convention over Configuration, which means developers are not required.

Maven Dependencies

We manage our application using Apache Maven. Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml and maven will automatically manage and resolve the dependencies. Note: we added two dependencies for creating PDF documents. The first com.lowagie:itext is the older open source library, which is by default supported by Spring. The second library com.itextpdf:itext is not supported by default and you’ll need a licence to run this in production.

Spring MVC PDF View Configuration

The ServletInitializer is a replacement for the web.xml servlet descriptor. This class extends from the AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer. By overriding the getServletConfigClasses() we instruct where the spring configuration files are located.

Next, we show how to configure spring using Java Configuration. Annotate the class with @Configuration to mark this class as a configuration file. We can override the configureContentNegotiation(.) method and use the ContentNegotiationConfigurer to configure the content negotiation preferences.

The configureViewResolvers(.) method is where we register the views for our application. You can either enable the ItextPdfView() or the LowagiePdfView which we’ll create later on in this tutorial.

The equivalent Spring MVC XML Configuration is located below:

Creating the controller

The CourseController adds some data to the Model which we’ll display on the views.

Spring MVC PDF Lowagie View

The older com.lowagie:itext library is supported by default. Create a new class and extend from the AbstractPdfView. We can create the PDF Document using the buildPdfDocument(.) method.

Spring MVC PDF IText Example

The new com.itextpdf:itextpdf library is not supported by default. We can resolve this by first creating an abstract class and extending from the AbstractView. In this class we set the correct content type for our document. Next, we create an abstract method that’ll be used for creating the PDF document. Finally, we override and implement the renderMergedOutputModel(.) method that’ll write the pdf document to the response.

Create a new class and extend from the previously created AbstractItextPdfView and override the buildPdfDocument(.) method to create your PDF document.

A handful of patterns will get you through the basics of setup quickly.The good: Free(ish)The bad: Only the most basic patterns.The bottom line: If you already have, or are going to buy, a THX Certified disc, the THX Optimizer has the basic patterns to get your TV set at least better than stock. The other discs here offer more extensive (and in some cases, better) patterns. I use it while testing every TV and Blu-ray player I review.If you have a fair amount of knowledge, and know your way around a setup menu, this disc is awesome.BD: $25- THX Optimizer (found on THX-certified DVDs and Blu-rays)For: Advanced BeginnerThe THX Optimizer has been found on DVDs for ages, and recently on Blu-rays as well. Most TVs or Blu-ray players will create small jagged edges (jaggies) as the bar nears horizontal.Screenshot: Geoffrey Morrison - Pattern: Spears and MunsilThe good: Well-designed test patterns, advanced deinterlacing/video processing tests.The bad: Not for beginners.The bottom line: The Spears and Munsil Blu-ray is an advanced tool for evaluating many aspects of a television's performance. Digital video essentials download. Ideally, the bar is smooth throughout its entire rotation.


To demonstrate the content negotiation we also created a simple HTML view to display the courses attributes which we added to the Model.


URL: http://localhost:8081/spring-mvc-pdf/

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URL: http://localhost:8081/spring-mvc-pdf/index.pdf



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HowToDoInJavaBy Lokesh Gupta Filed Under: Java Libraries

In this iText tutorial, I am writing various code examples read a pdf file and generate PDF file. iText library helps to generate pdf files from java applications dynamically.

These code examples are categorized into multiple sections based on the work they do OR functionality they achieve. With each java pdf example, I have attached a snapshot of PDF file so that you can visualize what exactly code is writing in PDF file. You may extend these examples to get text from database or some API response in json and write to pdf.

I have tried to put as many examples as I found useful to put here to help you all while you work on pdf files in Java. Through given examples use simple java programs, you can reuse this code in web applications.

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Let’s start the tutorial with an introduction to iText library.

1. Overview of iText library

On brighter side, iText is an open source API. Note that though iText is open source, you still need to purchase a commercial license if you want to use it for commercial purposes. iText is a freely available Java library from The iText library is powerful and supports the generation of HTML, RTF, and XML documents, in addition to generating PDFs. You can choose from a variety of fonts to be used in the document. Also, the structure of iText allows you to generate any of the above-mentioned types of documents with the same code. Isn’t it great feature, right?

The iText library contains classes to generate PDF text in various fonts, generate tables in PDF document, add watermarks to pages, and so on. There are many more features available with iText which I will leave on you to explore.

To add iText into your application, include following maven repository into your pom.xml file.

Or you can download the latest jar files from maven repository.

2. Commonly used iText classes

Let’s list down and get familiar with important classes which we are going to use in this application.

  • com.itextpdf.text.Document : This is the most important class in iText library and represent PDF document instance. If you need to generate a PDF document from scratch, you will use the Document class. First you must create a Document instance. Then you must open it. After that you add content to the document. Finally you close the Document instance.
  • com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph : This class represents a indented “paragraph” of text. In a paragraph you can set the paragraph alignment, indentation and spacing before and after the paragraph.
  • com.itextpdf.text.Chapter : This class represents a chapter in the PDF document. It is created using a Paragraph as title and an int as chapter number.
  • com.itextpdf.text.Font : This class contains all specifications of a font, such as family of font, size, style, and color. Various fonts are declared as static constants in this class.
  • com.itextpdf.text.List : This class represents a list, which, in turn, contains a number of ListItems.
  • com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PDFPTable : This is a table that can be put at an absolute position but can also be added to the document as the class Table.
  • com.itextpdf.text.Anchor : An Anchor can be a reference or a destination of a reference. A link like we have in HTML pages.
  • com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter : When this PdfWriter is added to a certain PdfDocument, the PDF representation of every Element added to this Document will be written to the outputstream attached to writer (file or network).
  • com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfReader : Used to read a PDF document. Simple and clear.

2. iText hello world example

Let’s start writing our example codes with customary Hello World application. In this application, I will create a PDF file with a single statement in content.

4. Set file attributes to PDF file

This example shows how to set various attributes like author name, created date, creator name or simply title of the pdf file.

5. Add images to PDF file

An example to show how images can be added to PDF files. Example contain adding images from file system as well as URLs. Also, I have added code to position the images within document.

6. Generate tables in PDFs

Below example shows how to add tables in a pdf document.

7. Create list items in PDF file

Below example will help you in understanding that how to write lists in pdf files using iText library.

8. Generate PDF and style / format PDF file content

Let’s see some examples of styling the content of PDF file. Example contains the usage of Fonts as well as chapter and sections as well.

9. Generate password protected PDF file

Let’s see an example of creating password protected pdf file. Here writer.setEncryption() is used to set password to generated PDF.

We need to add bouncy castle jars generating for password protected PDFs. I have added these jars in sourcecode of examples for this post.

10. Create PDF with limited permissions

In this example, I am setting few file permissions for a pdf file to limit access for other users. Following are several permission values:

You can provide multiple permissions by ORing different values. For example PdfWriter.ALLOW_PRINTING PdfWriter.ALLOW_COPY.

11. Read and modify an existing PDF file

Maven by example sonatype pdf

To complete this tutorial, let’s see an example of reading and modifying a PDF file using PDFReader class provided by iText library itself. In this example, I will read content from PDF file and add some random content to it’s all pages.

12. Write PDF as Output Stream in HTTP response

This is the last example in list and in this example, I am writing the content of created PDF file into output stream attached to HttpServletResponse object. This will be needed when you want to stream the PDF file in a client-server environment.

That’s all for this big list of iText example codes. Leave a comment if something is not clear to you OR you would like to add any other example into this list.

Download Sourcecode of iText Examples

Happy Learning !!

Maven By Example Pdf
