Homefront Pc Game Review

Homefront Pc Game Review Average ratng: 4,4/5 1950 votes

For all of its problems, 2011’s Homefront introduced an interesting Red Dawn-like concept, and revisiting post-invasion America in an open-world first-person shooter format sounded promising; but this fledgling FPS franchise has let me down again. There are some genuinely good ideas in Homefront: The Revolution

PC Game Reviews. 259 Wot I Think: Homefront (Single Player). In Homefront, for the majority of the game, you feel like an unwanted irritant. It’s hard to capture quite how much this game seems to hate you for wanting to be involved, and the extent to which it goes to ensure you rarely are. But I’m going to try. Homefront: The Revolution review. The second game in the series, Homefront. It's not buggy (at least not in the PC version I played) and it runs smoothly. The guns feel fine; the lone. Homefront: The Revolution is a first-person shooter video game developed by Dambuster Studios and published by Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation. This was not a new game because it came with a second set of key codes first I have taken this game out twice and reinstalled once and had steam install the second time I did everything that I am suppose to do in the game someone is telling me to hack a scanner and for some reason it will not work second thing the black clouds are covering just.

, but nearly every one of them comes with a big fat “but.” While initially engaging, the stealth and shooter gameplay quickly becomes tedious, the story is terrible, and a general lack of polish means Homefront: The Revolution fails to make finishing its 20-hour campaign feel worthwhile.

Homefront Pc Game Review Echo

Where The Revolution does succeed is in the atmospheric design of its world. The backstory of a North Korea-occupied United States is present in every part of developer Dambuster's version of Philadelphia. From bombed-out homes to historic landmarks converted into propaganda-covered re-education centers, the authoritarian atmosphere is ever-present.

While it’s described as an open world, The Revolution’s map is made up of eight separate districts that the main quest drives you through in a decidedly linear order, with few reasons to return to an old one when you’re through. The Red Zones, where the fighting was heaviest during the initial invasion, are mostly defined by ruined buildings and piles of rubble. Aside from the occasional switch in color pallets and a few landmarks in the downtown area, these desolate no-man’s-land areas feel almost indistinguishable from one another.

Earlston is dirty, the people seem miserable, and it must smell awful.
The populated Yellow Zones, however, are much more diverse and each tells its own story. Earlston, which you visit early on, feels like little more than a glorified refugee camp. It’s dirty, the people seem miserable, and it must smell awful. Ashcroft, on the other hand, is where the American KPA collaborators reside, and the alleyways between brownstones are always alive with resentful chatter from the rest of the downtrodden population. While on a technical level the graphics may be underwhelming, the streets of Philadelphia feel world-weary and lived-in.

It’s a shame that such a well-crafted world is squandered on such a ponderous and uninspired plot. The story of Homefront: The Revolution is nothing more than a string of forgettable mission objectives sewn together with cliches pulled from the Big Book of Military Shooter Tropes. There were several times that I hoped I might be surprised by an interesting reveal, but alas I was merely treated to yet another facepalm-inducing 'twist'. Classic eye-rolling moments like “Tertiary Character Gets Bonus Emotional Investment Upon Death” or “Curse Your Sudden-But-Inevitable Betrayal!” are presented by a cast of characters who spend all their time yelling over one another with groan-worthy one-liners.

While there are plenty of discussions meant to make us ponder the fine line between freedom fighter and terrorist, any weight these moments might have had is lost when our boring, mute protagonist silently nods and blindly agrees to blow up the next power station, drone factory or whatever else the Resistance points you at. There are no meaningful decisions to make, which makes me wonder why they didn’t give the main character his own voice if his path is set in stone.

The good news is that blowing up military police stations isn’t inherently awful; it's just extremely repetitive. You arrive in a district and complete enough “Liberation Activities” to inspire the population to rise up and take back their neighborhood. These can range from blowing up trucks and fuel tanks with bombs strapped to RC cars to hacking security terminals with the same idiot-proof minigame every time. There were also unexpected bits of platforming that would unlock a new outpost for the resistance, which were a welcome breather from the routine. The Revolution could’ve used a lot more diversions like these to keep monotony from setting in.

Once the district has revolted, there’s some rioting and a lengthy (but forgettable) story mission or two, then it’s off to the next district to do it all over again. And again, and again, until The Revolution just sort of… ends, in an underwhelming finale. Bizarrely, you can’t go back to finish anything you may have missed, even if you wanted to. Yes, I was provided with a “point of no return” warning, but I haven’t been locked out of revisiting an open world after the credits since Fallout 3 - it was especially odd considering that there are no custom save slots.

Neither stealth nor shooting is worth writing home about.
HomefrontThe repetitive sabotage missions are a familiar combination of first-person stealth and shooting. Neither style of play is worth writing home about. Sneaking through alleys and checkpoints is fun for a bit – the first few times I narrowly avoided detection were legitimately exciting – but doesn’t hold up for long thanks to a lack of any unique stealth mechanics. Beyond the ability to hide in dumpsters and create distractions with various crafted bombs, incendiary devices or hacking tools, it’s very basic stealth – you can’t even stash a body. Getting caught and forced into a firefight never feels particularly dangerous, either, especially once you realize you can just round a corner and wait for enemies to come at you one at a time until you’re waist-high in corpses. As with the stealth sections, it's fun at first - but this is largely due to your limited starting arsenal. Once you obtain better gear, the slow-witted AI combined with the lethargic way both enemies and I moved around the battlefield makes gunplay feel sluggish, especially when compared to Homefront’s finger-twitching contemporaries.

The Revolution does distinguish itself from other “realistic” near-future military shooters with an interesting on-the-fly crafting and weapon conversion system. Bearing more than a passing resemblance to Crysis’ weapon modification system, this in-game menu allows you to quickly install attachments to a weapon at a moment’s notice. Being able to hot-swap the scope on a bolt-action rifle, for example, means you’ve got a much more versatile weapon: I could deal with shotgun-wielding shock troops up close, then switch to the long-distance scope to pick off a pesky sniper.

You get to watch your character strip apart an assault rifle and attach new parts to its frame.
It goes further than that, becoming in effect a lore-friendly solution to a common inventory problem, in that you’re effectively able to carry more than the standard two (or three) guns. With some very cool animations, you get to watch your character strip apart an assault rifle and attach new parts to its frame until it transforms into a mine launcher, or convert a pistol into an SMG. Mechanically speaking there’s no real difference between toggling between modes and just holstering one weapon and drawing another, but Homefront does it with some flair and is more believable than the bottomless-pockets inventory we see in games like GTA 5.

While the weapons work reasonably well, what makes combat extra frustrating is the surprising number of bugs that constantly reminded me of The Revolution’s lack of polish. In addition to constant framerate drops and slowdowns, enemies will frequently spawn on top of you as you’re walking around, or may disappear entirely as you move around them. One of my personal favorites is the checkpoint save system which, on multiple occasions respawned me - weapon holstered - in the center of a large group of enemies. That one was extra fun because, with no option to restart the mission or generate a custom save, my only options were to repeatedly try to fight my way through or start the whole game over again.

There’s also the co-op Resistance mode, where squads of up to four players can tackle missions set in the various districts around Philadelphia. However, with only six missions available to play, I was confused as to why Resistance mode includes such a huge number of unlockable items and skills. While exploring the world is a bit more fun with other people, I can’t imagine wanting to play these missions enough times to unlock more than a few new abilities.

System: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
Dev: Kaos Studios
Pub: THQ
Release: March 15 2011
Players: 1, 2-24
Screen Resolution: 480p-1080p

I've been excited for Homefront for a long time. Ever since it was revealed at E3 2009, I've been cheerleading pretty hard for this game. With a story penned by none other than the man behind Red Dawn, Homefront offered a truly visceral take on a speculative world where the United States is invaded by Korea and places like San Francisco become occupied areas for re-education and forced labor camps. Sounds scary, right? The premise alone sold me on this game, and Homefront certainly delivers on its promise to send you on an emotional ride through an alien-yet-familiar vision of war-torn America. However, that's about the only thing it delivers on.

Retrieved 2012-08-21. Ps1 games list usa. Archived from on 2012-07-18.

New Homefront Game

When I first started playing Homefront, I was immediately drawn in. The game's opening act is powerful, thrusting you into the realities of living in an occupied state. I won't spoil anything here, but just know that the game definitely earns its 'M' rating within the first few minutes, and you can expect some seriously brutal moments in the first hour of gameplay. The game's view of this speculative world is uncompromising, and you can expect brutal violence, not only towards your brothers-in-arms, but towards women and children too. In the world of Homefront, no one is safe, and the game's opening moments do a great job driving that point home.

However, once the game gets going, the story evens out, and the game settles into a generic checkpoint-to-checkpoint story that uses the occupation as a simple plot device to transport the player to a new setting. Though the game throws in some gruesome images to punctuate the story, by and large, the game ends up feeling like a paint-by-numbers FPS by the end. And unfortunately, even though the gameplay got a little stale after awhile, the ending comes way too soon.


I've complained before about games being too short before, but Homefront really takes a brief story mode to the extreme. With only seven chapters to the story mode, average players will only need between four and six hours to complete the game's story mode. And with no unlockables or alternative endings, there's really no reason to go back through the story mode (unless you are trying to find all the QR codes, but really, the mobile wallpapers and videos are not worth the extra effort). With such a great premise, I was hoping Homefront would deliver an wide experience, but instead I got a linear one-note game that can be beaten in an afternoon.

Homefront Free Pc

Homefront pc game

The only bright spot here is the multiplayer. If you are a fan of XP-based leveling (like you would see in Call of Duty), then you'll like what Homefront has to offer. There are two main modes: a team deathmatch mode and a glorified capture-the-flag mode. Though these modes feel instantly familiar, Homefront has a unique loadout system where you can either spend or save battle points by completing objectives on increasingly more useful loadouts.